Mono-diet rhymes with detox

Specific Health Concern 25 June 2018



Spring is a great time to start cleansing your body inside and out. By following a mono-diet, you’ll be able to finally get rid of the toxin build up. Understanding the effects of and preparing your treatment correctly is a guarantee for success! 

Depending upon your routine, dedicate a specific starting date just for yourself (bank holiday, weekend, holiday..) 


How to mono-diets work? 

Simply put, following a mono-diet means freely consuming just one type of and the same food over one or several meals. Hot, cold, raw, cooked, whole, mixed, in solid or even liquid form.. the choice is yours! For example, fruits can be eaten fresh, as a compote or juice. 


Easing digestion 

A mono-diet treatment is first and foremost based upon its virtues of detoxification rather than upon weight loss. 

The primary aim is to give your digestive system some rest, in particular your gut, in order to give them a ‘deep clean’. Remember that the intestines are much more than just a ‘food pipe’.. they also make up our body’s emunctories (natural barrier which filters external toxins), along with the liver, skin, lungs and kidneys. 


Clean your filters!

Digesting the same food for several meals greatly facilitates the digestion process. The body no longer needs to produce different varieties of hormones and digestive juices to be able to absorb different food substances – it only needs one digestion process! Simplifying the digestion process will also redirect saved energy towards the detoxification process and as a result, this will give your ‘internal filters’ a big boost and cleanse them of all pollutants and toxins. 


How much, for how long? 

For ‘beginners’, the mono-diet treatment can simply be followed over one meal of the day, then over two, then for the entire day. 

For those used to these types of treatments and for those who feel particularly motivated and determined, it’s possible to follow the treatment for three consecutive days maximum. 

As a ‘background’ treatment, the mono-diet treatment can be followed once a month to every two weeks, for three to four consecutive meals. 


Fruits, vegetables or grains? 

Opt for organic produce whenever possible (to avoid absorbing toxins from pesticides) and decide on your mono-diet according to your tastes and preferences all whilst respecting the seasons. If you think you might end up feeling hungry, start with a mono-diet containing grains and starchy foods (rice, sweet potato) to fill you up. Treatments usually consist of fruits and vegetables, up to 4kg a day. Their high water, fibre, vitamin and mineral content make for filling and hydrating foods. 


What effects will this have on day-to-day life? 

Following a mono-diet will give you both abdominal and digestive comfort. Bloated, tight stomachs, filled with toxins and difficult transit will be significantly improved. Of course, it’s important to continue a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle after following a mono-diet. 


Will I be hungry? 

To start with, it’s fairly normal to feel a little hungry. Your body will need to adapt to this new diet and this can take up to a day. The lack of animal and vegetable protein will reduce satiety. 


Will I feel starved or become deficient? 

Following a mono-diet for one to three meals per day has absolutely no negative dietary effects if your diet before and after the treatment is balanced and healthy. A diet made mostly of refined sugars, animal fats, alcohol and salt can in fact cause deficiency. As long as the mono-diet is followed sensibly, it can only a positive thing for your body! 


Follow your instincts..!

.. remember that during the treatment period, it’s important to listen to your body and to amend how often or how much you eat. 


Make sure to drink enough! 

.. and know that the mono-diet will be even more efficient if you are well hydrated throughout the day to also encourage toxin elimination.